SoloAdvance Quick User Guide

SoloAdvance for guaranteed proof of attendance, remote date capture and lone worker protection.

A Quick User Guide Version 3.2

Generic Guide

Mobile-e-Solutions Limited


1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................3 2 Database............................................................................................................................4 3 Setting up a new Web User................................................................................................5 3.1 Required ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Details ................................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 General.................................................................................................................................. 7 3.4 Web Settings ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Configs .................................................................................................................................. 9 3.6 Update................................................................................................................................... 9 4 Setting up a new Mobile User ..........................................................................................10 4.1 Required .............................................................................................................................. 10 4.2 Details ................................................................................................................................. 11 4.3 General................................................................................................................................ 12 4.4 Mobile Options..................................................................................................................... 13 4.5 Mobile Settings .................................................................................................................... 15 4.6 Update................................................................................................................................. 16 5 Setting up a new Web and Mobile User ...........................................................................17 5.1 Required .............................................................................................................................. 17 6 Creating a new Location...................................................................................................19 6.1 Required .............................................................................................................................. 19 6.2 Details ................................................................................................................................. 20 6.3 General................................................................................................................................ 21 6.4 Settings................................................................................................................................ 22 6.5 Exceptions ........................................................................................................................... 23 6.6 Update................................................................................................................................. 24 6.7 Activating a new Location .................................................................................................... 24 7 Setting up a new phone....................................................................................................25 7.1 Required .............................................................................................................................. 25 7.2 General Settings .................................................................................................................. 26 7.3 Phone Settings .................................................................................................................... 27 7.4 Phone Settings .................................................................................................................... 28 7.5 Update................................................................................................................................. 28 7.6 Sending Applications to the Phones..................................................................................... 29 8 Reports.............................................................................................................................31 8.1 Using the Transaction Reports Option ................................................................................. 32 Appendix 1 - Frequently Asked Questions..............................................................................34 A1 - Transaction report is missing some fields................................................................................ 34 A2 - Define Options are missing fields............................................................................................ 34 A3 - Refining Searches................................................................................................................... 35 A4 - What is a Context?.................................................................................................................. 36

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Mobile-e-Solutions Limited



This document is designed to provide a brief introduction to the SoloAdvance f ‘Proof of Attendance’ solution from Mobile-e-Solutions Limited.

It covers areas such as how to set up a new mobile phone from scratch, through to how to activate specific RFID tags for your application.

The document is only designed to be a Quick Reference Guide and forms part of a general set of documents available from Mobile-e-Solutions Ltd. All screen shots are from a demonstration system.

Mobile-e-Solutions Limited (Company Number 6721687) Registered office address is Vantage House, East Terrace Business Park, Euxton Lane, Euxton, Lancs, PR7 6TB . Our VAT registration number is 942 4903 20

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The web database is where you control access to the system and where you can view transactions etc.

To gain access to your database, go to our web site website and select the LOGIN option from the top menu.

You will then be asked to enter your username and password (which will have been issued to you via e-mail).

Once Logged in you will (as a manager) see the following screen (this will differ slightly if you are an employee or a customer): -

The side menu gives you several options to allow you to manage the set up and general operation of the system. This document is limited to those options that allow you t set up the system quickly.: -


- Get back to the home (i.e. the above screen)


- allows you to define new locations, web users, employees, phones & apps


- send messages to mobile phones


- shows you the various reports available within the database


- shows real time views of the data and what is happening in the field


- (top right of the screen) lets you view your profile and can log you out of the system

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Setting up a new Web User

There are three types of user on the system: Web User, Mobile User and Web & Mobile User. They are given their own username & password that logs them into the system and confers upon them certain access rights.

This Section concerns itself only with setting up Web Users, to allow access the web database.

Go into the SoloAdvance back-office system for the appropriate company and choose the USERS (within the ‘DEFINE’ main tab on the side menu) option.

To create a new web user select the Add New option and the user creation screen appears. This is split into several different panels that need to be completed as follows:-



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User ID

unique ID for this web user

Real Name

Persons Name


A valid email address of the web user (this is mandatory for web users)

Entry Point

Select a Web User



This panel lets you set up personal details for the Web user. This is an optional panel and you should check with your system manager to see if this is required and to ensure that the data you enter is GDPR Compliant.

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For logging in (case sensitive)


For logging in (must be at least 8 characters and is case sensitive)

Confirm password

Re-enter the password


Base language of the user

User Type

Optional - can be used to group into like types

User Group

Optional - can be used to group into like groups

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External ID

Optional – to allow for an additional id number for the user

Comment 1

Optional – free text comments for the user

Comment 2

Optional – additional free text comments for the user

Optional – allows you to set up an icon/picture of the user which can be used within the system



Web Settings

Determines the level of access to the database (Customer, Employee, Manager or Administrator)

User Level

Default Menu

Determines the default menu option that is shown when the user logs in

Site Groups

Enter a list of the site groups that the user has access to or leave blank for all

Location Groups

As above but restricts what locations the user can see

Employee Groups

As above but restricts what mobile users this user can see

As above but restrict what service groups this use can see (may not be implemented on your site)

Service groups

Address IDs

As above but restricts what external location ids this user can see

This is related to alarms and can be used to send alarm emails to these email addresses if an employee based alarm is triggered,

Send emails

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This section should only ever be used when instructed by the support department of Mobile-e- Solutions Limited.

It determines what privileges a user has within each of the modules listed and what data elements within each module the user can see.



At the bottom of the panel use this to save the changes you have just made.


Save this user

Save this user and use it to create a copy and new entry (useful when creating many users)

Save & Copy


Discard any changes and return to the list of users.

Note: there is an Import option that allows data to be imported from a CSV or Excel file. For the correct format, enter a record manually and then Export it to see the layout. Imported data will either be created as NEW if the ID does not exist, or will UPDATE an existing ID number.

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Mobile-e-Solutions Limited


Setting up a new Mobile User

There are three types of user on the system: Web User, Mobile User and Web & Mobile User. They are given their own username & password that logs them into the system and confers upon them certain access rights.

This Section concerns itself only with setting up Mobiles Users, to allow access the Mobile Phone application.

Go into the SoloAdvance back-office system for the appropriate company and choose the USERS (within the ‘DEFINE’ main tab on the side menu) option.

To create a new mobile user select the Add New option and the user creation screen appears. This is split into several different panels that need to be completed as follows:-



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User ID

unique ID for this web user

Real Name

Persons Name


A valid email address of the web user (this is mandatory for web users)

Entry Point

Select a Mobile User



This panel lets you set up personal details for the mobile user. This is an optional panel and you should check with your system manager to see if this is required and to ensure that the data you enter is GDPR Compliant.

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For logging in to the mobile app (case sensitive)


For logging in to the mobile app (case sensitive)

Confirm password

Re-enter the password


Base language of the user

User Type

Optional - can be used to group into like types

User Group

Optional - can be used to group into like groups

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External ID

Optional – to allow for an additional id number for the user

Comment 1

Optional – free text comments for the user

Comment 2

Optional – additional free text comments for the user

Optional – allows you to set up an icon/picture of the user which can be used within the system



Mobile Options

To automatically capture (and record as a transaction) the GPS position against transactions Time interval between tag touches (e.g. if set to 20 then an employee must wait 20 seconds before he can touch that tag again). Leave blank for normal operation

Auto GPS

Tag Interval


If used, how long between checking to see if messages have been received

Auto Log out

If used, the employee will be logged out after this period of inactivity

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Should be used to prevent an employee changing the time on his phone to mask bad timekeeping Determines what level of user information is remembered by the phone/app on logout. Recommended to disable this if the employee uses a shared phone

Login Time check

Logout Policy

There are a number of advanced options that can be set up for the employee

Tag Activation

Allows this employee to activate (and deactivate) tags

Off-line login

Allow the employee to log in if no signal

Change settings

Allow the employee to change phone settings associated with the app

Auto Update

Automatically update the app when a new version is created

PIN Security

Implement PIN security on the app

Internal Clock





The phone that this employee uses has an accelerometer

SOS Button

The phone has an SOS button

Auto GPS

Automatically capture GPS

GPS Notification

Capture the gps position of each transaction (if reachable)

Round Manager

This employee manages and controls patrol rounds

Should only be used where the employee / phone will always be connected to wifi

WiFi only

Context Only

Should always be checked

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Mobile Settings

The following table illustrates some of the settings shown above


This should always be set to GMT London

Site Name

Can limit this phone to only work in a specific site

Linked Locations

Can limit the phone to only work on specific locations

You can force this mobile user to always use this selected application (only really an issue if your installation has many applications). Email address to which any alarm will be automatically sent when this user triggers an alarm (this is in addition to what has been set up on the alarm.

Application Name

Alarm Emails

Alarm phones

Similar to above but will generate SMS Text messages.

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At the bottom of the panel use this to save the changes you have just made.


Save this user

Save this user and use it to create a copy and new entry (useful when creating many users)

Save & Copy


Discard any changes and return to the list of users.

Note: there is an Import option that allows data to be imported from a CSV or Excel file. For the correct format, enter a record manually and then Export it to see the layout. Imported data will either be created as NEW if the ID does not exist, or will UPDATE an existing ID number.

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Mobile-e-Solutions Limited


Setting up a new Web and Mobile User

There are three types of user on the system: Web User, Mobile User and Web & Mobile User. They are given their own username & password that logs them into the system and confers upon them certain access rights.

This Section concerns itself only with setting up Web & Mobiles Users, to allow access to both the Mobile Phone application AND the web database and using the same username and password.

Go into the SoloAdvance back-office system for the appropriate company and choose the USERS (within the ‘DEFINE’ main tab on the side menu) option.

To create a new mobile user select the Add New option and the user creation screen appears. This is split into several different panels that need to be completed as follows:-



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User ID

unique ID for this web & Mobile user

Real Name

Persons Name


A valid email address of the user (this is mandatory)

Entry Point

Select Mobile & Web User

From here on in you will need to set up all of the Web Fields and all of the Mobile Fields as described in sections 3 and 4 above.

Once done this user will be able to log into the web database and the mobile phone application, using the same username and password for both.

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Creating a new Location

In the normal implementation of SoloAdvance Locations represent physical locations that need to be visited and are represented by RFID tags or they are personal tags carried by staff to record events whilst patrolling and are not at a physical point..

Go into the SoloAdvance back-office system and choose the LOCATIONS (within the ‘DEFINE’ main tab) option.

To create a new mobile user, select the Add New option and the user creation screen appears. This is split into several different panels that need to be completed as follows: -



Location ID

unique ID for this Location

Location Name

Location Name

If your site is configured to use sites, then you can add this location to a specific site – start typing the site name and select from the drop down list.

Site Name

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This panel lets you set up background details for the Location. This is an optional panel and you should check with your system manager to see if this is required and to ensure that the data you enter is GDPR Compliant.

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External ID

alternative ID for this location (passed to external systems)

Location Type

To group the locations into like types (e.g. patrol tag, keyfob tag etc)

This can be used to group locations into similar groups (e.g. security, cleaning, mall area). In turn transaction reports can be selected and sorted by this field. Enter any instructions that need to be carried out at this location. These can be read on the mobile phone app (if configured) Enter any additional instructions that need to be carried out at this location. These can be read on the mobile phone app (if configured)

Location Group

Comments 1

Comments 2


Select a small icon picture for this location (optional)

Note that it is possible to use XML tables in comments 1 or 2 to create selection options in the mobile app. See your system manager for more details

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Geo Fence

Check if you wish to geo-fence this location

The radius that the geo-fence option operates (e.g. 10 would trigger geofence transactions if the tag is moved beyond 10 meters from where it should be) Use the map pop up to find and determine the GPS position of the location tag. This is used in GEO fencing as a base position and can also be used in Rounds to provide a map view of locations to be visited.



Employee name

Can allocate this location to a specific employee

Linked Location

Can link locations together, use this to select linked locations


Not currently used

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Location Colour

Not currently used

Add email addresses of personnel (internal or external) that receive emails when a location alarm is triggered at this location. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma(,). Add mobile phone numbers of personnel (internal or external) that receive sms message when a location alarm is triggered at this location. Separate multiple phone numbers with a comma(,). Don’t forget the international phone format (e.g. +447975345678)

Alarm emails

Alarm Phone

Salesman Name

Not currently used

Survey name

Not currently used

Payment Term

Not currently used



You can set up exception reporting for locations. This reports locations that have not been tagged between certain times.

Exception Report

Check box to turn on

Start time

Enter start time that the exception reporting starts

End Time

Ender end time that the exception reporting finishes

Enter the interval to monitor (e.g. if a tag has to be visited at least once per hour between the start and end times then enter 60 here)


Days of the week

Select the days of the week that exception monitoring is to happen

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At the bottom of the panel use this to save the changes you have just made.


Save this user

Save this user and use it to create a copy and new entry (useful when creating many users)

Save & Copy


Discard any changes and return to the list of locations.

Note: there is an Import option that allows data to be imported from a CSV or Excel file. For the correct format, enter a record manually and then Export it to see the layout. Imported data will either be created as NEW if the ID does not exist, or will UPDATE an existing ID number.

6.7 Activating a new Location

Login to the Solo app on the phone as a user with Tag Activation rights (see Mobile Users above).

Press the Options button (this varies from phone model to phone model - usually is three vertical dots or dashes at the top/bottom of the phone screen) and choose one of the following methods to activate tags:

Activate Location (Usual way of activating tags)

Manually enter the tags unique Location Id code, which must already have been created in the Solo back-office system (see Location above). Or search by Location Name.

If a context number needs to be written to the tag then choose the correct Context from the drop down list.

Note that there is an option to write protect the context – this prevents unauthorised users (e.g. members of the public with smart phones) from overwriting data onto the tag (they cannot change the location ID or anything like that). This has proven to be a good idea in university and college sites where students have a curious ‘what if’ tendency.

Press “Activate Location” – phone will now ask you to touch the tag to be activated. If it was successful, the phone will reply with an appropriate message.

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Setting up a new phone

The number of NFC equipped mobile phones that can be used in your installation depends upon the number of licences that you have purchased from Mobile-e-Solutions Ltd. It is not possible to add phones to the system beyond the licensed number.

Go into the SoloAdvance back-office system and choose the PHONES (within the ‘DEFINE’ main tab) option.

To create a new Phone record select the ADD NEW option. This is split into several different panels that need to be completed as follows: -



Phone ID

ID Number of the Phone

Phone Name

Name the phone (e.g. security patrol 1)

If this phone is restricted to a single site, then start typing the site name and select from the drop-down list. If selected, then this phone cannot be used on other sites and will not register the tags.

Site Name

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General Settings

Phone Number

Enter the actual phone number including country code (e.g. +447962123456

Select licensed or test phone (the system checks that enough licenses have been purchased) Usually set to the same as the phone ID, but can be used to define an external ID for this phone if necessary Select from the drop down list the phone app that should be installed on this phone (the apps must have been created previously for this option to work). Select from the drop down list or press edit to create a new phone type (e.g. Samsung Galaxy J3) Select from the drop down list or press edit to create a new phone group (e,g, Cleaner Phone, Security Phone etc.)

Licence Type

External ID


Phone Type

Phone Group

Comment 1

Free text (Optional)

Comment 2

Free text (Optional)

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Optional – select an icon to represent this phone (not used at present)


Phone Settings

Enter the IMEI number of the Phone. This is used in conjunction with the SIM ID to identify the actual phone used when recording transactions. This enables the phone name to be included in reports. Similar to the IMEI number. Some phone models use the IMEI or SIM ID to return the phone details to the app

Phone IMEI


Status Name

Not used

Employee Name

Select an employee name if this phone is restricted to a single user


Select English

Select from the drop done list (Android, IOS or J2ME(This is only for older phones)). The main selection is usually android for all android phones and IOS for any suitable iPhones (check with your system manager). Select CM Online – this is selects how sms messages are sent to the phone when the app is sent. You can select how long the SMS message remains on the mobile phone’s inbox before it is deleted. Select from the drop down list

Phone Model

SMS Gateway

SMS Expiry

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Phone Settings

Tag Auto-start

Not currently used

Auto Boot

Not currently used

If this is checked then the password set against the mobile user must be strictly numeric (I,e a PIN) Check this if this phone uses WiFi only (and not mobile data). Be warned that when out of signal area any app calls to the main system (e.g. read instructions) will fail. All data capture, however, when out of signal will be recorded, stored and sent the next time the phone is connected to WiFi.

PIN Security

WiFi Only



At the bottom of the panel use this to save the changes you have just made.


Save this phone record

Save this Phone record and use it to create a copy and new entry (useful when creating many users)

Save & Copy


Discard any changes and return to the list of Phones.

Note: there is an Import option that allows data to be imported from a CSV or Excel file. For the correct format, enter a record manually and then Export it to see the layout. Imported data will either be created as NEW if the ID does not exist, or will UPDATE an existing ID number.

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Sending Applications to the Phones

This section shows how to send the applications to the mobile phones and describes how to install the app on the phone.

From the list of phone numbers from the PHONES option (Within the DEFINE SECTION) check the box(es) next to the appropriate phone records that you widh to send the app to.

Press the SEND button and a few seconds later the chosen phones should receive either a standard SMS message or a Service message, containing a link to download the application.

The process for installing an application now varies depending on the phone model – simply follow the instructions presented when you open the URL.

If the SMS/Service message does not appear, please check that the phones date, time and especially GMT Timezone are correct and then try again, noting if the Sent Counter field on the phones list is incremented by 1 after Sending. If it does increment, that indicates Solo has successfully delivered the message to the Network Operator, and it is their responsibility now to route it to the phone.

Alternative sending/installation methods

The SMS/Service message simply delivers a link to a URL that contains the address of the app for downloading. This URL can be used to download the app to many other phones without having to SEND from the Solo back-office:

Just forward the first SMS to another phone or phones.

Type the URL manually into a phones web-browser

Write the URL to a tag, and then touch it with other NFC phones to go there (ask your Solo representative for further info on creating installation tags)

Re-installing an application

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If all you are doing is amending the Menu structure via the Application Builder, the new structure will be automatically downloaded to the phone the next time someone starts the application – there is no need to re-install the entire application again. To upgrade to a newer version of the Solo application you should turn on Auto Update for the EMPLOYEE. This will cause the application to check for later versions of itself during the login process. If a new version is found, the user will be asked if they wish to download it. Note that the questions they must then answer are similar to doing the first installation. Deleting an application IMPORTANT: before deleting an application from the phone, you should first run it to check that there are no “Pending” off-line transactions in the Delivery Queue, as they will also be permanently deleted and lost.

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There are a number of reports in the system that report on the Employees using their mobile phones to touch tags and the data captured when they touch. This Section is selected from the REPORTS option on the main sections on the left hand side: -

The reports available via the left menu depend upon the Web User level that you have logged in as (i.e. customers see much less than managers).

The range of reports available include: -


This shows every transaction that has been generated by an employee touching one of the location tags created in Chapter 3 Above. As with most reports there are a number of selection boxes at the top of the screen that allows you to refine the search (simply press Search again after changing any of the parameters.


There is a facility for full Solo users to Archive old transactions. This section shows all transactions that have been previously archived.


Showing those (exception set up) locations where no transactions have been recorded during the exception times.

Clock In/Out

Showing the start/end shift times for staff (depends on how the database has been set up initially using CODES options – check with your system manager) Showing who has visited which location and for how long (depends on how the database has been set up initially using CODES options – check with your system manager)

Check In/Out

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Automated Reports

To view and amend those automated reports that have been created

Round Reports

If ROUNDS have been enabled for your installation, then there will be a number of reports available here to monitor what has happened with Rounds.

Additional standard reports may also be available depending upon your access level and features set up.


Using the Transaction Reports Option

There are a number of settings an selection options that can be used when reviewing the data stored by the system.

You can search data based on: -

From / To Dates

Select the date/time range required

Employee ID or Name

Search for a specific employee ID or a specific employee name

Location ID or Name Search for a specific location ID or a specific location name

Location Group

Select a specific location group from the drop-down list


Select a specific alarm name to search for

Data 1 – Data 6

You can search for specific elements in any of the data fields 1 -6

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Note You will see a number of blue options right at the top of the selection buttons. These allow you to: -


Allows you to create an automated report based upon the selection criteria you have just created. Automated reports can be sent daily, weekly, monthly or yearly to a defined list of email recipients. Reports can be csv, pdf or excel format. This is a pop-up window that allow you to select what data is shown in the report. Changing settings only works for the current web user and only on the computer logged in



Allows you to export (csv or excel) the report


Allows you to print the report


Allows you to send a message to the system manager

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Appendix 1 - Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are some frequently asked questions that may (or may not) be covered in the main body of this document.

A1 - Transaction report is missing some fields

During the set up of the database and user permissions it maybe that certain fields (usually data6 to data8) have not been set up for you.

The way to change this is to go to the options menu at the top of the screen: -

You then need to select the 'Setting' option shown above (you will need to have pop-ups enabled on your browser first). In the pop-up window you will see a list of all of the fields that are available to your level of access to the system (there are way too many to show here). There will be a check box next to these items and you can then check (or un-check) the fields that you want to appear on the transaction report. If the fields are greyed out (or are not there), then you do not have authorisation for these fields - see the system manger to see if they can be re-instated for you. Once you have done this, then press the save button at the bottom of the pop-up (or close to leave without changing anything). The pop-up will close and the transaction report will refresh to reflect the changes you have made.

These changes will them be saved against your user login.

A2 - Define Options are missing fields

During the set up of the database and user permissions it maybe that certain fields have not been set up for you.

The way to change this is to go to the options menu at the top of the screen (similar to A1): -

You then need to select the 'Setting' option shown above (you will need to have pop-ups enabled on your browser first). In the pop-up window you will see a list of all of the fields that are available to your level of access to the system (there are way too many to show here).

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There will be a check box next to these items and you can then check (or un-check) the fields that you want to appear on the transaction report. If the fields are greyed out (or are not there), then you do not have authorisation for these fields - see the system manger to see if they can be re-instated for you. Once you have done this, then press the save button at the bottom of the pop-up (or close to leave without changing anything). The pop-up will close and the transaction report will refresh to reflect the changes you have made.

These changes will them be saved against your user login.

A3 - Refining Searches

On most screens on the database there is a search panel where you can enter data to refine the search. As an example the image below is from the Reports/Transactions option (but the techniques here apply across the board):-

The first thing to note is that any field with an arrow (e.g. Location Group) allows you to select an individual field or all. The date fields you can type in a date or press the calendar icon and select a specific date and time.

For all other fields you can type your required text and the system will select (in this case transactions) where there is an exact match in that field for the text that you have entered.

There are, however, wildcards that you can use that allow you to refine the search. As an example looking at Data2 field if you use wildcards the following actions will occur: -


This will search for all transactions where Data2 ends with log


This will search for all transactions where Data2 starts with log


This will search for all transactions where Data2 contains log


This will exclude all transactions where Data2 starts with log


This will exclude all transactions where Data2 contains log

Remember that you can use the rows/page fields to expand the number of rows shown on the search.

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A4 - What is a Context?

A context is a small piece of code that is written to an NFC RFID tag when it is being activated that determines what App information is shown to the phone user when he taps that location. This is a unique feature of the Reslink solution. So, for example you could have a context that represents patrol tags where all you need to record is that someone has been there. Another context could be represent a building that needs to be inspected and various test results recorded.

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