SoloAdvance Quick User Guide

Mobile-e-Solutions Limited

Appendix 1 - Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are some frequently asked questions that may (or may not) be covered in the main body of this document.

A1 - Transaction report is missing some fields

During the set up of the database and user permissions it maybe that certain fields (usually data6 to data8) have not been set up for you.

The way to change this is to go to the options menu at the top of the screen: -

You then need to select the 'Setting' option shown above (you will need to have pop-ups enabled on your browser first). In the pop-up window you will see a list of all of the fields that are available to your level of access to the system (there are way too many to show here). There will be a check box next to these items and you can then check (or un-check) the fields that you want to appear on the transaction report. If the fields are greyed out (or are not there), then you do not have authorisation for these fields - see the system manger to see if they can be re-instated for you. Once you have done this, then press the save button at the bottom of the pop-up (or close to leave without changing anything). The pop-up will close and the transaction report will refresh to reflect the changes you have made.

These changes will them be saved against your user login.

A2 - Define Options are missing fields

During the set up of the database and user permissions it maybe that certain fields have not been set up for you.

The way to change this is to go to the options menu at the top of the screen (similar to A1): -

You then need to select the 'Setting' option shown above (you will need to have pop-ups enabled on your browser first). In the pop-up window you will see a list of all of the fields that are available to your level of access to the system (there are way too many to show here).

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Quick User Guide

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